miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

The surprising world of Atoms

Atoms are actually very small...you could line up around 10000 of them across the width of a hair!!!!! atoms are made up of neutrons, electrons and protons. We also talked  in our class about their charges: electrons are negatively charged, neutrons have no charge whatsoever and  protons are positively charged.
We set up this experiment in class to have fun  playing with charges: we rubbed an acrylic  rod with a silk cloth and we got positive charges, which instead attracted the negative charges of the cork balls. 
As a result, the cork balls started to  rise "effortlessly" when Lorena brought the rod closer to the balls.

I want to  thank  Sara for explaining the experiment, and also María for helping with the "charging process"

This is Science and it ALWAYS works.

Give it a try if you like!